
Foccacia (sans gluten, sans lactose)

recette foccacia spoonencore
De temps en temps, j'aime bien dresser la table de manière à faire de notre déjeuner dominical un évènement particulier.

Every once in a while, I like to set the table to make our Sunday lunch look even more special.

recette foccacia sans gluten blog spoonencore

recette foccacia sans gluten
Habituellement, j'organise mon repas autour d'un plat : ce jour-là, la star de notre table était cette foccacia sans gluten au gros sel marin et au romarin.

I usually plan my meal around one dish; that day, the star of our table was that rosemary and coarse sea salt gluten-free foccacia.

foccacia sans gluten spoonencore
C'est encore loin d'être aussi appétissant que celle-ci (clic) mais au moins je vous garanti que c'est divin !

It is far from looking as yummy as that one (click) but at least I can guarantee it tastes divine!

recette focaccia
Mangez-là tant qu'elle est encore tiède et elle sera moelleuse et tendre à l'intérieur, tandis que le sel et les brins de romarin apporteront un peu de croustillant.

Eat it while it's still warm from the oven and it will be soft and tender in the inside while being crispy with salt and rosemary.

recette fougasse sans gluten


50g tapioca flour
70g rice flour
170g potato starch
60g corn starch
60g corn flour
60g almond flour
1tsp sugar
2tsp xanthan or guar gum
10g fast-action dried yeast
35cl warm water
2 tbsp olive oil + extra for drizzling
Fresh rosemary
Coarse sea salt

In a small bowl, mix together warm water and yeast. Let sit for approximately 10min.
In a large bowl, mix the flours, starches, gum, sugar and almond flour.
Make a well and pour liquids. Knead the dough with electric mixer fitted with dough hooks for app. 5min. Flatten it out onto a prepared baking tray and smooth the dough with the back of a wet  spoon. Cover with oiled clingfilm and leave the dough in a warm place for about 30min.
Preheat oven to 200°C.  With a wet index, press holes in the dough at regular intervals. Push sprigs of rosemary into the holes and sprinkle with sea salt. Bake for 20 min. Serve warm with a drizzle of olive oil.

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